Make a pretend phone call.
Ask your child what they would like to do today. Give two choices. ‘Would you like to go to the library or the park?’ Keep the back-and-forth going as you plan for the day.
Ask your child questions about things that interest them. Show interest in their answers and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going. See if you can go back and forth 2-3 times on the same topic.
Ask your child about their “high” and “low” for the day. They can share their memorable moments from the day and practice using new words.
Ask your child “What do you know about ______?” before telling them about something you’re doing. If you’re taking the bus together, ask, “What do you know about buses?”
Before your child gets dressed in the morning, check the weather together and talk about the forecast. See if they can choose an appropriate outfit.
When your child notices something, expand on what they say and introduce new words. For example, if they find a shell, talk about the kinds of animals that might live in a shell like that.
When you do errands, involve your child and talk to them about what you’re doing. Look for opportunities to introduce new words.
When you sing, add hand or body motions. This makes songs extra fun and gives your child more to remember. Try “If you’re happy and you know it (Clap Your Hands).”
When you sing your child’s favorite songs, leave out words for them to fill in. Or you can say the wrong word and see if they catch you.
Help your child learn their full name, address, and phone number. You can teach it to the tune of one of their favorite songs.